What is SkillBridge?

The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for military service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training during the last 180 days of service. In this case, DOD SkillBridge allows transitioning service members to attend the Norman Police Academy.

How does SkillBridge work with NPD?

After command approval and successful completion of our hiring process, the service member will attend our police academy during their remaining service (BAH may also be received under the GI Bill once their service is complete). After graduating the academy, the service member will transition into patrol field training and start their career as a Norman Police Officer.

How to apply for SkillBridge with NPD:

If the academy is within 180 days before your EOS (military leave may be also be considered):

  • Complete an application HERE.

  • Seek approval from your chain-of-command.

  • Complete the Hiring Process.

Check out the DOD SkillBridge website HERE for more information.